The Institute offers collaborative research and educational opportunities for staff, faculty, and students at the campuses of both institutions. Participants can tap into dual appointments, co-mentoring and training for graduate students, and leading-edge materials research facilities at the UW and PNNL.
Presentation from the July 10, 2018 Workshop.
NW IMPACT issues calls for UW/PNNL collaborative multi-investigator research projects.
NW IMPACT projects provide seed funding to nucleate joint UW/PNNL teams to compete for large team and center-level funding.
Proposal calls and submission guidance are provided on the Proposals page.
Grad Student Fellowship Opportunities at PNNL
NW IMPACT issues calls for graduate fellowships to support UW/PNNL collaborative multi-investigator research projects.
Clean Energy Institute partners have access to state-of-the-art shared user facilities for the fabrication and characterization of advanced materials ranging from thin-film solar cells to nanostructured batteries to flexible transistors. This includes the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds, which provide customized training and access to top-quality fabrication and characterization instruments. In addition to making and testing materials, users can also develop systems integration software and device management routines to optimize performance in systems like vehicles, buildings, and the grid. Learn more about instrumentation available for clean energy research.
As a benefit of NW IMPACT, all PNNL users will receive substantially reduced academic rates at the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds during the first year of operation. NW IMPACT participants can also apply for additional 1:1 matching funds to further reduce barriers to seed new research projects.
UW offers a range of unique education and training opportunities, from hands-on coursework in the Research Training Testbed, to training for materials-focused data scientists through the Data Intensive Research Enabling Clean Energy Technologies (DIRECT) program.
PNNL works with nearly 800 scientists annually at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a DOE Office of Science user facility on the PNNL campus that is available to the global research community. See a description of EMSL's advanced instruments and take a virtual tour. See other specialized research and technology facilities at PNNL.
Hundreds of graduate students and post-docs come through PNNL doors every year, in materials science and other areas of research and technology. Check out opportunities for joint appointments, faculty, graduate students, and post graduates, as well as PNNL's Institutional Postdoc Program.
PNNL employs more than 4,000 scientists, engineers, and other professionals who support national missions in fundamental science, energy, and security. Learn about jobs at PNNL.